segunda-feira, 23 de abril de 2012


    The travelling process began  last evening, when we got to Galeao. Larissa, one of the students who are here in Boise now, had some troubles with travel authorization, but, after some struggling worrying moments she could finally board - thanks Esthevao's parents for everything -.
    Then, after the first flight, that took nine hours, we first got within the USA boarders, where we had to pass by the customs, what was even better than we thought it would be!

   Since then, it seemed that the hours weren't going on as they were supposed to - even because there were the time zones -, we spent three hours at Atlanta's airport (in Georgia), then we got a four hours flight to Salt Lake City (Utah), where we spent one more hour and finally got the quickest flight, only forty minutes, to BOISE (Idaho)! 
      We all arrived in Boise's municipal airport at 04:30. The students that were going to Community School were welcomed by Amanda. We were pretty anxious to get to know everybody and our host families were already waiting for us there! So, we quickly picked up our baggages and got into the families' cars to go to their homes! I'm already at the Pusch's home and they are amazing, they've been pretty kind to me. Tomorrow is our first classes' day, so the group is getting together again to share the first experiences at this night!
Warm hugs, Joao Vitor

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