domingo, 29 de abril de 2012


Well, I know it may seem late to start, but never is too late to start. So, instead of start talking about what I've been doing I think I have spend enough time here to talk about what I am felling and my impressions about every thing. Then, in other posts, I am going to complete what the guys have talked about and also what I've been doing here.
                                         When we just arrived, both groups.

Everything seems equal but different, like mini brigadeirao light according to Bruno. Boise is not big, but you cannot say that is small. It's extremely organized and clean. It is funny because I feel like I am in a movie all the time. 

                                         Robert, Jenny, Bruno, Larissa, Joao, Jeanette, Alex, Eu and Caio 

My host family is amazing. My host sister is called Jeanette and she is always worried about my fun here, so we are always doing something different, it's awesome. Parker is my host brother, I don't talk very much with him, but he's a nice guy. Maryana is the young host sister and Cindy is my host mom. She is a good person and makes me feel very comfortable at her house. I spent my firsts four days with them at a beautiful house on the foothills. This weekend we went to Jeanette's dad's house. My host father is named Tim Thornton and his wife is named Kristin. They both are amazing, very attentive and kind people. Their house is located in the historical part of Boise so it has an old style, which is beautiful. I really think that it's the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. Seriously. To become apart of an american family for 15 days is strange and good at the same time. 

Riverstone International School is great. The spirit we feel there is amazing. The walls are covered by students' work and paintings. These things make it seems more comfortable, as if you were a big part of that, I do not know how to explain it but having colorful walls makes it warmer, at least I think so. I was talking with Cindy and she defined it with a great word which is casual. The classes and the teachers are casual, I think it makes it easy to understand the topics. They have the same classes everyday and on Friday they have another schedule. But, since our schedule is completely different in Brasil, we can go deeper in some topics.

Art Class

The most different thing, I think, is their way of eating. First of all, they do not eat fast food or high fat food all the time at all. But they have food from all over the world here. I've already tried lots of food that I hadn't eaten before. Falafel, tofu, blueberry jam, Chobani [greek yogurt], different types of potatoes, peanut butter, on thing very similar to Goiabinha but with blueberry, brussels sprouts, bagles, crepe, candies,...  Because I love food, I enjoyed all of them. They also have lots of vegetarian food, low fat food or fat free food and organic food. Truly it surprised me, I'm very happy because I haven't drank even one cup of soda.

Me and my host Jeanette. We were at a market and I tried american crepe. We chose lemon and sugar. Amazing, believe me.

The way we act around each other is also different, we really are more affectionate, we hug and kiss people XD. It does not mean that they are not affectionate, they are really nice, its just different. Anyway, each day we become closer, more friends and I, and I cannot talk about next saturday, when we suppose to start our return trip.

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