domingo, 29 de abril de 2012

Chapter one:Candy, mountains and fun!

Hey guys!

I'm Milena Barp [da chapa Parceria] and I have so many things to tell you. I have already tried to post, but for some reason I just couldn't. From the beginning: The trip was so long, imagine yourself almost 25 hours traveling, boring isn't it? Fortunately it was good and calm and I rested most of the time. This is we with Miltinho at Galeao. 

When we just arrived I saw my host family. They had written my name in colorful balloons, so I was surprised because they were all caring one of the balls. Then we went to the supermarket, I bought my lunches and other stuffs. It was interesting because at the same time I could recognize everything I couldn't really recognize anything. After, Cindy [my host mother] made a awesome dinner, with vegetables and tofu. It was a short day, because we waste most of it traveling but we were all excited to finally arrive and meet our hosts.

The second day was also amazing. It was my first day at Riverstone International School all the 10th grade had breakfast together, so I met most of the students. During the lunch time we played something similar to soccer and it was very fun. Of course they thought we were great players, so I think they got a little disappointed when we started playing and it was not that good. However, it was really nice. In the afternoon we decided to go to Powell's store, which is a place where we could find LOTS of candy, from different countries, different tastes, all these great stuff. There was a part in the store based on Willy Wonka factory, so there were many of Wonka themed candies. Here you can se the picture. 

The hosts were thinking where we could hang out and they thought Table Rock would be a great place. They were right. From there we had a stunning view of Boise. Before we arrived there Jenny and Jeanette started running. For some reason, I prefer thinking that was because of the weather or the altitude, me and Larissa could not run as fast os for as long as they did. We stayed in the back, almost dying. Fortunately, when we arrived in the up of the mountain we were rewarded. This is a part of the city. 

and this is our picture.

Before that we took another one, but the man who did it for us simply could't take a good one, so it was like this:

After we got home. My host sister is Jeanette, is an amazing girl, and we decided, after we had done the homework, to paint our nails. We went to bed and one more day was finished.
Miltinho on the bed, sleeping.

I just did not take as many pictures as I wanted, but I will do it during the next days. The first contact was a kind of strange because if you stop to think I slept in a house of some one that I did not really know and that is a kind of crazy. But the thing is, it was the first moment we realized the true meaning of exchange. The language,  the food, the habits, everything. It has just begun

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