terça-feira, 24 de abril de 2012

First day at Riverstone International School


     Hello, everyone, 
    Today was our first day at school. The classes here start at 08:20 and end at 03:05, so we can wake up a little later and we are one with it before we are used to be in Brazil. The day began with a group dynamic about our birthdays: we had to sit around the room organized by our birthdays, but we couldn't talk to each other, what makes it a lot more complicated, but at the end we almost did it perfectly. After that, we had breakfast at school, with our class, the 10th grade one, Tarrah (the responsible for international partnerships), Alex Ide (the middle school's director) and Glorinha (the teacher who came with us, who is also the responsible for international partnership from SESC High School). This was a really nice american breakfast, with eggs, pasta, donuts and hamburgers, what is kind a weird for us, but it was a really great experience, at least for me.
        Then we had normal classes, the first one was Humanities, when we got to know better the project we are doing for this two weeks about Genghis Khan, that has to do with being international journalists, reporting, at the beginning, a background of what happened back in time and, at the second week, we are going to report what is going on with the persecution and defense groups. The class after that was art and we made pinch pots, with clay, what was just great. So we had the lunch time for forty five minutes and, besides having lunch, we also played a little bit of soccer, what was really funny, since there were lots of people in pairs just kicking the ball all the way, haha. Following we took math class, what was about exponential function and we did a experiment to introduce the content and also chemistry, when everybody was struggling about naming things, what's a way different from Brazil, as the order is the opposite and some words change a little.  
      So, this was our first day and it was amazing, even more because it started with food and ended with food as well, since we had root beer float. :)

       Warm hugs, Joao Vitor.

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