segunda-feira, 30 de abril de 2012

Chapter four: words, worlds and snow.

Monday begun hurried. I took a shower, organized my things and I was late to have breakfast. All monday morning all the high school met in a very warm room. The coordinators talked about what they have to do this week. Their school year is finishing in almost three weeks, so the sophomores have to finish their personal projects and present it. The seniors have to study for their final exams. In two days they won't be high school students anymore. In addition, the juniors are planing Model UN. I got really curious to know how it works here, but unfortunately, I won't have time. I know that we post lots of funny things here, but seriously we do have a lot of homework. 

After that we went to the "Meet the Seniors." It is an event where all the seniors show themselves and talk a little bit about their experience at Riverstone International School and also where they are going to college. At this moment I realize lots of things. I don't know it was strange. I hate have to use this cliche sentence, but I have no other options. Everything here is so intense. I became friend of a person I could never imagine I would meet in 2 or 3 day and now I miss them just thinking about next week, when I won't be here... Coming back to the meeting: I needed to write while they were talking [I know it may seems impolite, but I wasn't XD] and it was almost the following: The Seniors were talking about their choices, how they made their decisions and it is funny because I can truly see we [thrid year in Brasil] saying exactly the same things. I though it would be more or less like this, but I couldn't imagine that it would touch me as it did. [Maybe 15 days and only one country cannot be enough to affirm it, but I'll do the same way] I'm sure that whenever you are, wherever you were born we feel the same feelings. Not only about college, but also about future, relationships an human doubted. A boy, who wants to do economics and personal relationship said: "Every human everywhere are in some way connected". And we can think about in the economic way, I mean, think that I'm a brazilian writing in a computer designed by americans, factored by chinese, sell all over the world, but I can think in the human way. It's just carbons, hydrogen, oxygen and some more elements. Just it mixed in billions different ways. What you have just read is called cheap philosophy or Filosofia de Bar, no Brasil.

However, to answer another question a girl, who wants to do biology said: "If your dreams don't scary you a little bit, they are not not big enough". I think it is a good definition of dream.

Let's stop with this sentimentalism, it's time to talk about fun! After classes we went to Bogus basin. It is ski place during the winter since it is a very high place in the top of the mountains. Even though we are almost in summer there is some snow there. So Me, Jeanette, Parker[Jeanette's brother], Yaro[Parker's friend], Bruno, Caio and Robbert had a snow fight and we also sled down the mountain on a piece of cardboard. Yes, exactly how people do in parks and squares in Brasil XD! Pictures and videos:

I though the subtitle of this picture could be "Party in the USA" does it make some sense?

Time to go back home. This part you already can deduce: homework and bed. 

Special Edition: Jeanette's sixteen birthday. Chapter five: keep following.

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