quarta-feira, 25 de abril de 2012

Finally, Usa...

Hi, people in Brasil
   Ah, finally we're here at school. IT'S SO DIFFERENT! (I still preferring the Brazilian school) But let me start from the start: when I arrive at the airport, I met the Bennetts (they are very nice people), then we got to their house. It's strange, because houses here are bigger than most of brazilian houses and they are made of wood... maybe because it's a good thermal isolator.
 The day after, we went to our firs american school day, which starts 8:20 (!), then we have three classes of one our each then we have lunch, at 11:20 (!!), which I think it's very early. We played soccer after it and at 12:05 we meet Tarrah and Glorinha to talk about our progress, our blog posts, our daily life here and our meetings with the school (to explain about ESEM, interview some students or talk about Pantanal insects with the younger grades). During this time, the class we're following studies Spanish and French. After that we have two more classes: Science and Maths (they are studying the things we've studied last year, and it's like more an overview, so it's not that difficult for us). Classes finish at 15:05 (!!!), then we have the rest of the day to do whatever we want.
 Interesting Facts:
-Until now, only 4 girls from Riverstone are confirmed to go to Brasil :( , we've been waiting more people to show up, but that's a bit unlikely.
-People here can't really say our names: Milena is Milina or Melina, Caio is still Caio... what a shame, I'm Brunou, with an american "R", Larissa also has the american "R" on her name, Esthevão is Steevan, and João is the worst: some say Joao, other says Jo, Jouao, and it goes on (His host, Alex, said every brazilian should be called Fabio, so he's calling him Fabio. In the other hand, João said every american should be called John, so he's calling him John, that simple).

Well, I'm going to the Science class right now. I'll post again later.
Hope you guys liked it.
Bruno Dias.

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