quinta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2011

The exchange experience

Hello everyone!

After all those wonderful days in Boise, the time to say goodbye came. We all packed our bags, said goodbye to our host families and new friends, and took the flight back to Brazil. But I have to say: it wasn't easy to leave - we all met so many nice people and lived such great moments there! We saw the snow, we tasted new foods, we watched a huge football game... But above all the good moments we had, we all learned so much!

First of all, we all learned a lot about the American culture, I'm definately looking at them with a different view, now. Speaking in English all the time was also a high point: I can say, for sure, that it helped me a lot to gain confidence when speaking. And studing in Riverstone was simply incredible! All the liberty the students have, the way they relate with the teachers, how they do a great job even with such a small structure... Those are a few of the things that got my attention there.

But we weren't the only ones who learned: I believe we did a good job showing them a little bit about our country, our culture and our school - with the presentations we made and all the conversations. Some of them just can't wait to visit us.  ;]

Well, we have been back to our homes for more than a week now. Our trip might be over, but all this experience won't stop here: we still have lots of things to tell and ideas to share. And now, let's wait for their visit in our school with wide arms open.

Now, I just want to finish my last post saying thanks to all the ones who has made this possible. To the direction, the teachers, the families and students that recieved us in Boise and all the ones who follow the blog and believed in us, thank you for made all of this possible.

(Part of the group, the host siblings and Fernanda at the Airport)

Laura Tasca

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