domingo, 29 de abril de 2012


The expected moment arrived! The week is over and now we have a lot of time to go around Boise and have fun!

On friday after lunch, we all went bowling with the whole class. It was really fun and again we received new names: Jaoa, Caia, Larrisa, Esteban... We stayed a long time there and after that we went to the mall. 
Arriving there, we met at a huge clothes' store and I (Caio) asked for help to buy a little gift to my sister - what an idea - the girls started a war operation to help me buying the gift. They were very kind and after some searching I could find what I wanted. The next stop: Apple Store. Everybody was very interested for the i-stuff but me, I (Caio) lost a lot of time there. The Victoria Secret's was another funny place for many of us, many things for little prices, we really broke the bank. After shopping, Robert drove us to the best pizza restaurant in Boise and we had a great dinner with his family. 

Boise at night

As you know, after friday comes the saturday. We woke up at 8:00 and went to Robert's soccer game and after it we had mongo BBQ for lunch - a kind of noodles with some meat and lots of sauce. Then, we had to pick up Esthevão. Robert didn't know the way to the place where he was, so we got a bit lost.

Mongo BBQ!

Robert and Drew going crazy trying to find "Stevan"

After a little bit of suffering and luck, we could find the "braziliano" and then we went to the Camel's Back, which is an awesome park with lots of free space and a great hill where we could see the Boise's downtown. We spent the whole afternoon there playing everything possible in a park. 

We left the park and went to Jenny's house. There we first had sandwich for dinner - there was a mushroom that looked exactly like hamburger meat and I got it thinking it was meat, but unfortunately it wasn't. After that, we watched a horror movie: Scream 4. I (Caio) was the only one who got scared :(

Scream 4 :x

Today (sunday) we woke up at 8:00, had cereal and milk on breakfast, watched half of a soccer game on TV, had lunch at 11 something and went to the last game of Robert's tournament... his team lost (3x0). After that, we went to the supermarket. Where our host family bought things really really really fast. Then, we went home to finish our homework (Yes, exchange students also have homework, and it's terrible because, although we have already had most of the subjects, we have to translate EVERYTHING, like the names of the acids, bases, salts, etc).
Now, here we are, posting and having lots of things to do. And, to finish, just some:

Curious facts (by Bruno): 

-Every price of everything you see in every store you get is lower then what you're gonna pay, because the taxes here are not included and the prices, in the end, always surprises you. (Some 10 or 20 cents more)
-Every candy you buy here taste like medicine... It's AWFULL... only some of them taste good.
- Everyone here has an iPhone, iPad and a MacBook... that's weird.

Hope you enjoyed the post,
Caio and Bruno

Um comentário:

  1. wow!
    You guys have been busy!
    The photos are very nice and the experience looks like to being wonderful.
    We love you, son!
    A big hug to everyone there!

    Benjamin Acuña
