quinta-feira, 26 de abril de 2012

It was a rainy day...

Hi guys. Well, today was a rainy day in Boise, so was colder than yesterday. We couldn't play soccer, in fact, I had to finish my homework at lunch. We have a project to our Humanities classes, about Genghis Khan and the invasion of China and Bulkharia, but it's something like a judgment. We Brazilians are the journalists, so we basically have to do articles and interviews with the defense and prosecution groups. Tomorrow we are going bowling in the afternoon, and we would have a barbecue, but I'm quite sure we won't have anymore because probably will rain, so I guess we'll go to a restaurant maybe. Oh yeah, and we'll go shopping (girls go crazy haha)after school. My host family is just amazing, we have lots of fun together, and Riverstone's students are very kind with us. They try, but sometimes they just can't say my name, so here I am someone called Laurrrissa (!!!). I'm loving everything here. I hope you guys can feel part of what we are living here. As Brazilians, we never forget that our country is just amazing as the USA, but with our differences. Thank ou so much for visiting our blog. I'll be back tomorrow with pictures and more then. Byee, Larissa :))

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