domingo, 29 de abril de 2012

Chapter two: Brigadeiro

The second day of school, what means the third day here, was also great. We watched a presentation at 9:30. It was about the green week they were having here. It was similar to Segunda-feira Verde (Green Monday) we had in our school. Someone who went to Antarctica showed pictures and histories about her trip, then another woman also talked about researches on South Pole. Both were fine but, for me the most interesting was the propose that the school was doing. You should say one thing we could give up for saving the planet. I think we could try it in our school, it would be really good. I do not think it has to be something big, but if you promise something you could really give up for saving the planet you would truly act and not just talk about it. They made a big poster where you could write what you were giving up. I gave up eating meat! XD 

 I had to do it! Monday without meat. Discover new tastes. 
For the people. For the animal. For the planet.

Lunch, soccer, classes, home. Afternoon: Jeanette invited everyone to go to her mom's house so we could watch a movie and play basketball. So it was what we did. I decided to show Brigadeiro to them, so when they arrived I cook the candy. We watched Get Him To the Greek while we were eating and after we went to the backyard to play, even though it was raining. It was really cool. And cold.

Here the sun goes dawn very late, so when it is like 8:00 p.m. is already light. It just got really dark around 9:15 So we feel like it was 5:00 and it is 8:00, it is funny.

Kristin came to Jeanette's house and we made brigadeiro again. These one tasted better than the first one. Here are the pictures:

Kristin is a really nice girl, she is spending only this week with us, because next week she will be in Canada.
Jeanette and Kristin

Here are me and Maryana with brigadeiro!

Time to go to bed, again. I wish I could stay wake up without sleep, this way I would be able to enjoy more.

But, if we are going to bed, means that another day is coming soon. The fourth one arrived. We drived to school [yes, here they can start driving at 14and1/2, so usually drive to school] Here a picture of my amazing and carefully driver:

I made a cup of pottery at art class and it hurt my hands, but it was amazing. Now I want to do a mug, it's kind of hard because you have to put you arms on your legs and keep them there, but sometimes is impossible and the clay breaks in your hands. I will try! This afternoon we went to a benefit concert to help an orphanage in Mongolia. One family from here spent some time there and they showed a video about the place, the children and their way of life. It was a very poor place and with no infrastructure, so they were trying to help them. I thought it was a very nice initiative. 

When it was finished Jeanette started looking for her keys and she couldn't find them. Worried, she went to the car and the keys were there, closed with the car locked. We had to wait until her brother, Parker, arrive with the spare key. I was freezing, because the wind was really cold. We arrived at home and we were tired. It means: time to go to bed.

I know that this texts my seem repetitive or... I don't know. It's just because I cannot use other words unless good, amazing, awesome, fun, cool, different and things like these. I mean, when you spend just two weeks on another country and they receive you very well, these will be your unique feelings. Well, I am feeling it now, so, that's all I have to tell you. In the next chapter: Friday and Saturday!

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