segunda-feira, 30 de abril de 2012

Chapter Three: Weekend!!!

The day started cold. But it was FRIDAY and here it really means the beginning of weekend because there is no classes on Saturday! And also their schedule on fridays are always different. In the morning we had Math and Science class. I discovered that we are going to have a test on Thursday! Well, I know logarithms, but anyway, it's a test! Let's keep going... Since all the brazilians are here we went to Bowling to have lunch there and play. We went in one of those yellow buses, that was funny, because they are exactly the same on the movies. We arrived and then we organized everything to have lunch. Sandwiches with peanut butter and strawberry jam, or meat, cookies and chips. Time to start playing! My group was formed by four people. Me, Jeanette, Bayard and Hannah. I think I have no pictures now =/. I started winning and suddenly I failed most of my moves. Embarrassing XD.

We finished the game and then we went to the other room to play other games. We came back to school [in the yellow bus] and, since we are tourists we took a picture in front of it! Look:

We were looking forward to the night because it was time for shopping! Before going to the mall we went to home to get some things and we had to solve a problem with Jeanette's brazilian visa. Everything went all right, and it was now time to go buy! I felt excited and bad at the same time. Come on, it was the consumption in my veins. But was great. I first bought sunglasses and then my very first iPod. It was fast, just it, fast. Third: lotions, fourth: clothes. These are very cheap things to buy here. REALLY. I almost got crazy in the store XD. And then we were trying to buy tennis shoes. It was hard, believe me. We got lost from our hosts so we are four brazilians [Me, Larissa, Caio and Joao] looking for tennis shoes in a unknown place XD. It was hurried. When we found our hosts they got relieved and it was time to go home.

A little of homework and time to go to bed. Saturday was coming! Morning: sleep and saturday market. I tried a crepe.
The market was very nice. It happens every saturday morning and the stores are all local, so they sell jams, plants, hand crafts, clothes and things like these. i though it was very similar to Feirinha de Copacabana, but the weather was cold XD. Some pictures:

Afternoon: Camel's Back Park. It was amazing. We arrived and we saw some high mountains [that's why it is named camel's back (I have to confess that i spend sometime to understand it.)] So climbed to the top. It was a tiring exercise, because it is so inclined. But like Table Rock, we were rewarded. Another stunning view from the city:

Time to play: we started doing "montinho" and human pyramids, and tickling:

Awesome time. Then we went to Jenny's house to watch Scream 4. Before watching it, we had dinner. I made a very good sandwich. The movie was scary and funny at the same time. More funny than scary. Anyway, good. Home again. We tried one more time to do some homework but me and Jeanette kept logging onto Facebook. So on Sunday we would have no options: work on our homework.

Morning: sleep, afternoon: work, night: movies with pizza and milkshake. It was an extremely stereotyped program. And also very good. Actually we didn't watch the movie but the pizza was tasty. We walked to buy our milkshakes and it was cold, but really nice. I enjoyed walking because the street we are is one of the historical ones, so the houses have a very specific and cute architecture. I choose blackberry one and Jeanette choose mint. Both were good. While we were coming back to home I pick some leaves to put in my Travel Journal. I hope they get beautiful in the pages. 

Before it I was a kind of nervous. The end of sunday wherever you are means beginning of monday and when you have two big projects to work on it is kind of scary. Scarier than the movie XD. However, as Bob Marley used to say: "baby don't worry about thing because every little thing is gonna be all right" That's all. I blogged almost every thing. I'm not late anymore XD.

Waiting to know what is going to happen in chapter four. As soon as i got it, I will tell you.
Good Night Everyone
Warm Hugs.
Milena (Miley)

P.S.: I have to tank my host who helped me correcting everything. She is a really nice teacher XD. And she is going to speak Portuguese when she comes to Brasil.

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