sábado, 28 de abril de 2012


          Today, in the morning, I first saw snow, even though it was up there in the mountains, I could see it just as I woke up, through my window. It's a nice thing to start the day with.

       Anyways, on Fridays the 10th grade's schedule is different and they only have two class periods, math and chemistry. After we were done with classes, we all went bowling, it was such a fun time. We were divided in groups and then the "winner" would be the group that got more points, well, in my group there was Drew, he got FOUR strikes in a row, he was ridiculously good at it. Then, after that we hung out a little at school, we played basketball and so, we went to the mall. Being at the mall was a really good idea for a Friday evening, we had lots of fun in there. We hung out, went to some stores, such as clothing stores, shoe stores, Apple Store (where I bought my first iGadget) and stuff. One curious thing is how you buy things at an Apple Store, they have kind of an iPhone with a huge case with a slot for credit cards, so, while they are talking to you, they order what you want by that phone, they pass your credit card, you sign and a person comes and give you the package, it's the quickest purchase I've ever seen and it's awesome. Anyways, after that we went to the food court, Caio and I had dinner at the "A and W" (american food) and I ordered a hamburger with bacon , therefore there was no way not to remember Bichi, haha. After all, Alex drove us home and we got to watch Game of Thrones with his parents and his parent's friends, it was cool, but I fall asleep, oops.


Warm hugs, Joao Vitor.

2 comentários:

  1. Vocês estão lindíssimos...parabéns...merecidos...bjs no coração e que tudo fique sempre muito bem !!! Fred.

  2. A valid day for everything you did, but I couldn't avoid noticing your apathy about Game of Thrones. Shame on you, John! hsuahsuahsuahs
    miss you guys
