terça-feira, 24 de abril de 2012

A short flight...

Hi guys!

Well, let's talk a little about the flight. We left Rio about 10 pm (Brasilia's time) on Sunday and arrived at Boise at 4:30 pm (Mountain Time), already on Monday. As you can see it was a short flight, just about one day in a plane that looked like a sardine can. We had a great time, we had a lot of fun together, playing games, talking, watching movies, praying for the plane not to fall, eating... Our first stop was in Atlanta, the homeland of Coke. It's giant airport, when we land we had to take a train inside the airport to go from the customs to the boarding gate! It looked like a mall, with lots of stores and restaurants. We had our first Starbucks there and we were baptized with our new names: Kyle (Caio), Latcha (Leticia)... (we can't remember the others right now, so we are gonna post them later). The next stop was Salt Lake City, where we could have a great view from the Rockies and the Great Salt Lake. There we had lunch at McDonald's, with didactic purposes. It's even faster and the meals are pretty like the same. There we discovered the American version of "Guarana Jesus", it's called Dr. Pepper - don't try it, it's not good. I also got lost in the airport after going out of a store - There were two possible ways out and I chose the wrong one, and when I noticed that I was not were I was suppose to be I almost cried and got a little desperate. I started to walk faster, came back to the store and got the right way to the boarding gate. Then we finally had our flight to Boise! The plane was smaller but was not bad - better than Gol. Boise is in valley, surrounded by mountains, a very pretty place. The airport was also very beautiful. We got our luggage and finally got to know our host families, that was a very exciting moment.

Guys, its getting late here and we need to wake up early tomorrow, 7:00 am :), later we can talk about our first days in The US.
Bye, Good night!

Caio Acuña

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