quarta-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2011

So guys I'm not telling you all over again the things we have done so far. Instead, I'll tell some things I experienced myself. 
So, starting with the food. I had a typical hawaii breakfast yesterday which was portuguese sausage (calabresa),  eggs with rice, it was amazingly good. Then for lunch, Chris took us (Luisa was with us as well), to the Boise Fry Company which is this amazing place where they have like 8 different types of potatoes that you can order with a burger. Luisa loved it cause they had an vegan option of burger (I must say it wasn't bad). And they also got a lot of ketchups and different salts
At school, it has been just great so far. The campus is so cosy, and they have this art atelier in basement that is the coolest thing ever (I''ll put some pictures tomorrow, I promise) and the english classes are amazing because they don't study grammar, they read and study english literature, which is so amazing. 
My host family is so great to me. Chris is showing me in first hand a lot of american comedy like The Family Guy and Talledega Nights, this last one is the funniest movie I've seen recently.
That`s it for now,
See ya, guys.

Um comentário:

  1. queridos e amados : )
    alguns não postam seus nomes! gostariamos de sabaer quem são, rs. alguns da pra descobrir apenas por conhecermos vocês. beijo beijo e uma ótima semama pra vocês!
