terça-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2011

Photos of the neighborhood

Today, when I got back from the school, I took a ride in the golf car by the neighborhood with Marie, one of my host sisters. And, as my camera arrived, I took many many many photos.  Here are some of them:

 the lake with ducks and swans.
 The mountain we can see in the back is where Bogus Basin - where we went tubing - is.

 A cute barn
 Marie trowing a rock in the river
 Blackbird - just as The Beatles' one.
 The tree without its leaves...

 Marie in the golf car - she's such a good driver!
 A horse looking at me
My dinner: tofu & brocolli with spicy sauce and brown rice!

That's it! Hope you all like the pictures.

Luisa Nico

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