quarta-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2011

Good News

Hey folks, that is my first contact with you, so... Hi from the USA! :D
Well, we are having pretty good time here and I am enjoying every single moment we have in this freezing awesome place!

Oh  yeah: it's being really cold these days: day after day it is getting colder and colder here: yesterday we got 6 degrees celsius , today it was -1 celsius , tomorrow it's said to be reaching -11! But I am hopeful we can still keep ourselves alive :P
I am at the Lewis house. They are so nice people.I am having great time here.
I have to confess that I realized that my english was really bad here in my first day. But I  am experiencing then such a  fast and surprising success in my learning of this language! Today was very fruitful : I could understand the teachers explaining in the whole class of mathmatics and chemistry! It was just the same staff we had already studied in our school in the first and second year (some formulas in mathmatics / chemical bonds: metallic, covalent and ionic in the chemistry class).
Our international classmates here turns the classes even better with lots of fun.
 Well, in our english class today we discussed about some of the supersticions we had in our countries and we discovered that many of them have the same costumes. So we had a new vision about the worldwide matters.
Well,  I will send some photos of our staying here soon!
hugs from here.
By Victor Lucas - little uncle - ''tiozinho''

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