quarta-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2011

Some impressions about the Americans

Hello Everyone!

Here are some impressions that I have had until now and wanna share with you. Enjoy it!

Well, we are in the United States for about 4 days now. It may not seem much, but we have learn so many things so far! I mean, we realized how many similarities and differences are between the americans and brazilians' way of life. When we see it from the inside, we can comprehend that people here are just like us: go to school, study a lot, complain about the homework... But, at the same time, we can notice a lot of differences, cultural differences. For example, the way they eat and the way they show affection for others. Like, for breakfast, I've already ate scrambled eggs, french toasts and even sort of a blueberry tost with butter and sugar! And in the lunch, we just eat in the classrooms, normally things like a sandwich, cookies and other snacks. About showing affection, they are a little different than us, brazilians, who are hugging people all the time, even when they are not so close to us.
Another thing that I found interesting was that when I got here, mt host dad asked me if we knew the movies that they know, like, if I had ever seen something from Hollywood. (That's because they don't usually watch movies or listen to songs of other places. ) At that moment, it seemed to me that they don't really had the notion of how their culture is spred all over the world.
Oh, and just one more thing! Maybe because this is not a big city, but I haven't eat any fast food! Some times we say that they just eat junk food here, but it just isan't like that.

Well, that's pretty much it. I'll keep my eyes open and tell you anything. ;]

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