quinta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2011

"Thursday, doesn't even start..."

The day started with a great breakfast as you can see at the picture below: eggs with ham, toast and melon. Then, Chris drove us to school, it was so cool! I mean he is sixteen, and he doesn't  have his licensee yet but in America even if you are under eighteen you are allowed to drive with a responsible, in this case, Rick. I just felt so useless cause I don't know even how to turn the car on, so...
We have art class everyday, yeah, EVERY SINGLE DAY! That's so awesome, we get to do a lot of cool stuff and relax, have fun. I managed to finish a panting in water color in three days of classes. I took some pictures of the art "room", which is a really cool basement, the painting of a tree you see there is my work, I like to call it " Night and Day", anyway.
For lunch, we went to the Blue Sky Bakery, I had one with cream cheese, ham, lettuce and cheddar, it was delicious.
After lunch, we had as usual, an science class where you actually learn how to balance reactions (I remembered Fred) and pretty much the same stuff of naming compounds, but in english, of course. And also a math class, that was nice,tough.
That's pretty much it. 

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