sábado, 5 de fevereiro de 2011

More pictures!

Hi (: it's Leticia here again, the day before yesterday I taught my host family to cook brigadeiro, it's incredible but they have milk condenser and chocolate nesquik  here, so it was exacltly the same brazilian brigadeiro! they loved it and I got so excited! I really won't talk so much about Idaho City because I think evrerybody has already done this, but anyway... it looks like a real ghost city because we almost didn't see people on the streets...but there was a lot of snow so we had so much fun there! snowangels, snowballs...we did everything as possible with snow, I loved it! and yesterday, me and my host sister Alex hang out downtown for a while with some friends of Riverstone, it was really good. Today I had a typical american breakfast: pancakes and bacon! The classes are great, except for chemistry, all the names have an opposite order so it's kind of confusing for me, sometimes my brain stops working :P They have art classes everyday and it's so cool! we also have english classes where all the exchange students play games together to improve our english. Another different thing here is about hugs, they don't hug people very often like we do in Brazil, I miss it but totally respect anyway... and I think that's all. I hope you like of the pictures.

 Me and my youngest host sister Mikayla with our brigadeiros.

 Me and Luisa in Idaho City.

 With Augusto and Luisa in Idaho City again

Lots of snow in Idaho City.

Beautiful mountains

4 comentários:

  1. YEAAAAH! BRIGADEIRO!!!!! I cooked it too to my host families! And we also cooked it to the Middle School They just loved it!!!!! I hope you are having a great time!

    Amanda F

  2. Letiiiiiiiiiiiicia!!!!
    I miss you so much!
    Everytime I listen to Taylor Swift I remember you!
    Hey, I need to talk to you urgently!!!
    Please send me a message from the social network that you are using!
    Beautiful post!
    Kisses!!!! xD'

    Weell :)

  3. Ouun *--* I'm so happy for you guys and I hope you are having an awesome experience :}
    Anyway, it's Pucca talking and I HAD to write: wow, your host sister has your size LOL
