quarta-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2011

First days at Boise

Hello everyone!

It's february 2nd, 6:30pm right now. I have so much to say that I don't even know how to start. After a long travel, we finally arrived at Boise on Sunday afternoon. I never thought they would be so receptive and that our arrival would have been so moving... Because it was! Meeting my host family and the other student's hosts made me feel welcome :) I went to a restaurante with my host family - the Hardwick - and we had pizza and mac & cheese! I loved it! Then we came back home and I chatted with my host sisters before going to bed. The next day we went to Riverstone International School and had a history and an english class... both great. After it we all went with Tarah to the Elementary School campus, where we presented our country. One thing I thought it was interesting was that what we consider a meddium-size city in Brazil is considered a big city to them - like Natal ou Palmas - and that says a lot about cultural differences. After, we went back to the High School campus, where we had a quick lunch before going to the Idaho Capitol with some other exchange students (french, mexican, spanish, etc.) of Riverstone.
The Idaho Capitol is the "sede do governo estadual" and it is a beatiful building that was recently restored and expanded. There, we got to know more about how does the american politics works, which is pretty similar to our 'three power' system: Judiciary, Executive and Legislative. However, their senate and congress is at the same place: the Capitol. Something that is different of us is that here normal citizens can participate of some discussions and give their opinions at the same time. The guide told us that last week there was a meeting in order to decide where a certain amount of money of the state should be used in, such as healthy system, eldery, school, etc., and many people were in the Capitol to give their opinions. Meanwhile, even though they could give their opinions, the final decision is indeed taken by the senators or the members, just as in Brazil. Well, that was our first school day!

The second day was an normal school day, so we had history (the students have to do a report to learn how to do an index, an introduction, a development, etc., just as the 2nd years students have to do in Physics at ESEM), english, art, english for exchange students (funny class! we played the hangman game), science (chemestry, in fact... we had Ionic, Covalent and Metalic bond - which we have already had, but in portuguese...) and math classes. There are few students each class, just like ESEM, which is kinda cozy. It was interesting to learn things that we have had in portuguese and to see how those things were taught here. 
In that night I watched Juno with my host sisters and I was surprise I could understand it even though there were no subtitles! hahahahah Another thing that caught my attention were the TV adds: or it was about food, or it was about diet. Seriously. 

Today, february 2nd, we had another school day, with the same schedule as yesterday. Everyday we can get to know more the other students - not only our classmates. Today was a different day because the 9th graders came to the High School campus to know it. 

Is really cold here: this morning was about -10 celsius degrees! But no snow until now. Friday the brazilians are going to Idaho City where we'll see snow and some historical building such as IOOF Hall, the Idaho City Schoolhouse and the Boise County Courthouse. On sunday we are all going to the Super Bowl Party in one of the Riverstone student's house. And monday we're going hiking with all the 10th grade!

Well, I said I had a lot to say - and I didn't even said everything I wanted to!

Keeping updating,
Luisa Nico

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