quinta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2011

The exchange experience

Hello everyone!

After all those wonderful days in Boise, the time to say goodbye came. We all packed our bags, said goodbye to our host families and new friends, and took the flight back to Brazil. But I have to say: it wasn't easy to leave - we all met so many nice people and lived such great moments there! We saw the snow, we tasted new foods, we watched a huge football game... But above all the good moments we had, we all learned so much!

First of all, we all learned a lot about the American culture, I'm definately looking at them with a different view, now. Speaking in English all the time was also a high point: I can say, for sure, that it helped me a lot to gain confidence when speaking. And studing in Riverstone was simply incredible! All the liberty the students have, the way they relate with the teachers, how they do a great job even with such a small structure... Those are a few of the things that got my attention there.

But we weren't the only ones who learned: I believe we did a good job showing them a little bit about our country, our culture and our school - with the presentations we made and all the conversations. Some of them just can't wait to visit us.  ;]

Well, we have been back to our homes for more than a week now. Our trip might be over, but all this experience won't stop here: we still have lots of things to tell and ideas to share. And now, let's wait for their visit in our school with wide arms open.

Now, I just want to finish my last post saying thanks to all the ones who has made this possible. To the direction, the teachers, the families and students that recieved us in Boise and all the ones who follow the blog and believed in us, thank you for made all of this possible.

(Part of the group, the host siblings and Fernanda at the Airport)

Laura Tasca

sexta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2011

Ice Hockey game

Tonight, me and teacher Fernanda went to an Ice hockey game in QWEST ARENA in Boise downtown.

The game is kind of violent and it is really fantastic by the skills the players have playing in the ice rink.

It was awesome.See the pictures...

The Steelheads, the Boise's team won the game.

Me and teacher Fernanda 

Fernanda recording everything!

me and Donald

Photos by Victor Lucas
Okay, I'm posting a never seen thing on the exchange blog, hope you'll like it.
Last night, Chris and I made some videos and here is the result.


quinta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2011

more pictures of the tubbing on sunday

It's Leticia posting here, I'm kind of late, but pictures are always good, so here I have more pictures of us on the tubbing, it was the funniest thing ever! wonderful, really! =D I hope you like it.

 Me and my host sister Alex (:

 Me and Alex again having fun on the tubbing =D

 Girls on the tubbing.

 Girls on the tubbing [2]

 Victor having fun!

Laura, me, the other brazilian Victor (yes, we have another Victor from Pernambuco, we met him here and he's living with our Victor and his family), Donald, Alex, Bayard, Victor and Travis.

 more tubbing (:
the view of my house: a wonderful sunset *-*


Hi everyone! Here are some photos we took monday. We were going to go hiking, but because of the weather we just took some pictures and went back to the school bus. Anyway, the view was beautiful and once again we sow the snow. ;D 

(The 10th grade)

Laura Tasca

quarta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2011

A school day

Hey everyone!
I'm posting some photos that we took today at Riverstone.

 The art room (in the basement)
 Me and Katherine, my host sister, before classes
 The Model United Nations board
 Victor, Laura and Leticia doing the history work.
 Augusto in the library

 History class!
Me at the art class
Mr Harper, the art teacher, teaching us how to do pieces of pottery
Victor just being an artist 

 Leticia in the library
Laura, in the music class.
The music students recording a song

Sorry, I couldn't turn some photos... 

Luisa Nico

Super Bowl party

First of all let me explain what Super Bowl is : The Super Bowl is the championship game of the National Football League and the largest television audience in the country, watched by millions of people annually in the United States and around the world. It is also an event that broadcasts the most expensive television advertising, sponsors pay out small fortunes for displaying their advertisements on the break time.
Well, we were invited by the students to go to Asher's house and whatch to the 4 hours of game with them.
The Packs won the game.
During the breaking time we took these pictures because it was a beautiful sunset outside ;)

And these are some of the ads we saw that day. They're really good... 


By Victor Lucas

terça-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2011

Photos of the neighborhood

Today, when I got back from the school, I took a ride in the golf car by the neighborhood with Marie, one of my host sisters. And, as my camera arrived, I took many many many photos.  Here are some of them:

 the lake with ducks and swans.
 The mountain we can see in the back is where Bogus Basin - where we went tubing - is.

 A cute barn
 Marie trowing a rock in the river
 Blackbird - just as The Beatles' one.
 The tree without its leaves...

 Marie in the golf car - she's such a good driver!
 A horse looking at me
My dinner: tofu & brocolli with spicy sauce and brown rice!

That's it! Hope you all like the pictures.

Luisa Nico

Well, I also had a great time last weekend. My host family, Fernanda and I went to McCall, a little small town 2 hours away from Boise. It was really cold out there,tough.
On Saturday, Chris and I went Snowboarding, it was the most exciting thing I think I have ever done. It just feel so good sliding all the way down the mountain.

While in McCall we were able to see snow sculptures made for Winter Festival. They were amazing, you guys can see in some pictures.
