sexta-feira, 16 de abril de 2010

From Riverstone International School!!!

Hello guys!!!

I`m writing this from Riverstone. Today was a very exciting day. For breakfast I had scrambled eggs with my host family, and after went to school with my mom and my brother. I`ve recorded all the way to the school, so soon I`ll post it on youtube for you. Our first class was music again, and we all played a Natalia`s song. It was so nice! After we went to Art class, and carried on the thing of wheel clay (it`s about making pottery with `barro`). Then we had Islam again in World Religions. What a interesting class! It`s much like Phylosophy`s classes in SESC High School.

After three periods we have lunch time. Today I had pizza (there was a student selling it at the entrance of the school, as a volunteer work- all the profit goes to the own school) That`s a very nice idea and I think we should take it to Brazil. Let`s talk to Karina..

After lunch we had something like our tutorials with Mr. Ide and following English Class, when we discussed House of Spirits, Isabel Allende. We noticed here that americans don`t take grammar in english classes at all, they just study literature and writing. The class we`ve just finished now was Field Biology. We prepared some material that we are gonna use outdoors next week up in the hills near Boise. Now some pics::


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