quarta-feira, 9 de maio de 2012

Saying see you later :)

Hi everybody!

Well, I know I'm late, since we came back on Sunday.
But I would like to say that I've been so happy in those two weeks! I've met people that I will never forget, now I'm really missing everybody.

My last day at Riverstone International School couldn't be better. We went to a field trip in Idaho City, a city near to Boise, but very small. We were participating of a History project of a judgement of Genghis Khan and we went to a real court, which was awesome, especially for me (I want to be a lawyer).
The worst part was to say goodbye to who we wouldn't see anymore, I mean, for a while.


Drew and Robert, I'll miss our "soccer games", waiting for you to the World Cup

Then, after school, we went to the movie theater and watched The Avengers, and I need to say that is such an amazing movie!

At night Lisa and Jenny took me to watch a circus show, with dance and rock n'roll in a huge theater. I just loved it! I've never seen nothing compared to that show.

When I came back home, I had to pack up my baggage and it was not easy. Lots of things were in my mind and bed. I wished I could stay for more two weeks haha. Time flew.and I didn't see.

On Saturday, I went with my hosts to have breakfast and we planned to meet again as soon as possible. I didn't know how to say thank you for  everything they've done for me in two weeks. When we said goodbye in the airport, tears rolled on my face and I was thinking about everything I did there and realized that it was truly worthy.        



I miss them so much.

Well, I think that's all. I'm missing my hosts, my new friends, everything. That was an incredible experience, I learned with them and I know they could learn with us. It is important to say that our school is something unique, I think you should know that. The experience was totally worthy, but is time to come back, senior year is now, vestibular is here to a few months and time is flying fast.

See you!
Warm hugs,
Larissa :))

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