segunda-feira, 7 de maio de 2012

Chapter 6: Last moments.

The day before the last started. I just knew that I have to enjoy as much as I could. It was what I did. English class we finish the discussion about Life of Pi. And we made some interview  with the lawiers about Genghis Kahn trial. All the project was really nice. Learning a little bit about Asian history was a experience that I didn’t expect. In the third period I finally finish my mug. It is a kind of fat and short mug, but I just love it. After the teacher and Jeanette help me making the handle. I’m looking forward to see how it will be when it is finished. In the lunch we had to go to the hospital because Jeanette needed to make a blood test. She was selected to take part in the “juniors volunteers” which is a project to be a volunteer in the hospital. Good job! However we had to wait half hour to make it since the lab was closed. So, we went to the mall, but ONLY because we had to wait and it was close to the hospital. I got some more things and we found Jeanette’s khakis’s pants, the ones she needs to work at the hospital. Time to back to school and do the math test part 2. When we arrived I realized that I had missed the presentation for the 9th grade. Anyway the group told me that they are very excited to come and to know about brazil. Well, the classes were finished, so we came back to home. It was the first Thursday of the month so at downtown would be  happening some art presentations and it suppose to have some special sales. I went, without Jeanette[bad thing], and it wasn’t better because she was not there XD. We first went in the official store of Broncos’ Team, the football team. Then we walked some time and we arrived at one of the greatest stores I have ever been. It is named Exchanging Records and there were lots of cut, interesting and different things. Really, I almost got crazy, I wanted to buy everything, cd’s, dvd’s, and other amazing stuffs. I spent more money than I should but anyway… We ate pizza and later we went to an amazing frozen yogurt store. The flavors were a kind of uncommon and a just love it. Time to go back home again. Jeanette was feeling better and I was happy because of that. We watched another Gray’s anatomy’s episode and the day ended. Sooner than he should, but he ended. I just need to say that the moon was beautiful and I knew that in one day I would miss that view.
                                         The picture is not THAT good, but the view was amazing.

Friday, the day of the trial in Idaho City, also the day of the circus. The last one of this trip. The way up to Idaho city was very beautiful. On true all the city is full of tree, but this way specifically was stunning because the mountains plus the curvy river plus the trees plus the red farm houses and some protests like “Keep our forests green”[written in a place that was probably cleared].

We arrived there. Idaho city is a very small and old place, cut and cold. The court where we were was similar from the one in the movies [again], and it was time to begin the Genghis Kahn trial. The prosecution and the defense of Bukhara’s and China’s case, at theirs respective moments, made theirs speeches. The judge also made questions and collocations. After that they were ready to look for another arguments and be prepared for the judgment’s day. It was early so we walked around the “city” and we had lunch. Talking about food again there is something interesting here. All the restaurants and cafeterias and stores and every place that sells food have a vegetarian or even a vegan option. We came back to school and we stayed sometime at Martha’s classroom. We took a picture together and it was time to begin the “goodbyes”. Sad moment.

Since it was the last day we wanted to enjoy it. So everybody, “hosts” and “Brazilian students”, went to the movie to watch “The Avengers”. However, everybody was so tired, so tired, that almost all of us slept during the movie. But the movie is very fast and full of big noises so the one who slept woke up startled [scared]. It was funny. Then, me, Jeanette, Larissa and Jenny went to a presentation of a circus. It was really nice, very colorful and stunts. The soundtrack was made of famous songs but remixed, really good. And the theater where it happened was amazing. Time to go home again, for the last time. We watched another episode of Gray’s Anatomy and we went to bed. I hadn’t started packing my thing so my night would be longer. We were very, very tired but there wasn’t another option. But before start something I wanted some  songs from Jeanette’s iPhone, so we plug my iPod in her computer. The problem was: we configured it in the wrong way so 16 minutes later my iPonhe was with ALL Jeanette’s thing, all of the, all. And I lose all my thing, photos, notes, reminders and voice recorders. So we had to delete everything and put only the songs again. It was good because when it was finished I also finished packing my thing. Last night at Boise. It was simply amazing, I sure I’m going to miss every second.

Next: Epilogue

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