quarta-feira, 2 de maio de 2012

Ice Skating, Dinner, Club

        Good evening! 
      Today, besides the normal classes, we had a meeting with the kindergarten and the first grade. We got together with them to talk a little bit about the insects we have in Brazil, since "insects and how they help the Earth" is their main subject. Today was the "worker's day", so everybody was wearing some custom that represented a profession. Because of it, one of the girls was wearing an elephant custom, such a cute girl. 
         After school, I met Meredith! We went ice skating and we did have a great time in the ice rink! It was my first time ice skating, so I think I did a good job. I was doing pretty well and hadn't fallen anytime, so, as I was quite proud of myself, I fell twice. haha. Different from me, Meredith does it awesomely well, she can do everything wearing those ice skates, I was amazed. 
         Then we got downtown and met Alex, hung out for a little while and got had to say: see you later, again! Alex and I came home and had dinner with all the family together, it was a good time, there were more jokes and I laughed a lot. When we were done with dinner, we went to the club to have a dessert. I had mini lemon trifle, such a good one. (: We hung out a little more there and got back home. At home again, I showed Natalie and Rachel some pictures of when I was younger and had a nice conversation about family and culture with Rachel. 

          This was a really good day, I had lots of fun and also did what I was supposed to. 

Warm hugs, Joao Vitor.

Um comentário:

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