segunda-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2011

Some mountains and Airplane Traffic Jam?

 When we were getting to Salt Lake City we could already see snow trough the airplane window, I'm uploading some awesome pictures of the mountains in Colorado and Utah.

I had to post the most amazing thing we found here in US: an airplane traffic jam. Yeah, that`s right. We had to wait about 15 minutes in SLC 'til the plane was allowed to take off, it was unbelievable! The picture shows three aircrafts behind us but the were two more in front of us at the line. Crazy stuff,really.

2 comentários:

  1. I have a question: Where's Hugo? He called me two weeks ago and said he had denied his visa, I tried to call him before the trip but I couldn't. He didn't get the visa?
    Ps: sorry for my english mistakes.
    By: Nick Deleon

  2. Unfortunately Nick, he didn't manage to get an new interview in time to travel. So he could't come with us... :(
