segunda-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2011

Boise here we are!

                                                         Boise's group in the airport!

                                                   having my very first starbucks in Salt Lake City's airport!

Hi everyone! it's Leticia here, we arrived in Boise yesterday and everything's really good here! we had such a big trip but the time passed so fast! first we stopped in Atlanta, Salt Lake City and finally Boise (: We saw Geraldo, Tarrah and all the host families! mine is wonderful! Chris, Melinda, Alexandra and Mikayla are so nice and I'm loving being with them! it's freezing here and all the houses are so big and beautiful! we also had our first day in Riverstone today and we saw each other, had at the same classes, met the other Riverstone campus and also met the capitol of Idaho. We are having a very good time here!

7 comentários:

  1. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  2. Gosh! Letícia you're so cute in the photo *-* like always. Enjoy there you all guys, I'm here following every single thing that you are doing haha. Don't forget me le hehe, I'm missing you so much. Xoxo.

  3. Pichu querida :D virando mini-gelo? Que orgulho de vocês *-* beijos e bom tudo para todos, em bom e velho português.

  4. Minha filha "postiça" que orgulho.....encho meus olhos de lágrimas ao ver os meninos que acompanho desde o início na Esem e amo de paixão fazendo uma história merecedora...fiquem com Deus que tudo já está dando certo. Beijos, Fred.

  5. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  6. Proudly, I'm here to say everybody that this is the best post 'til now... the pictures are amazing, I loved it! haha really, CONGRATULATIONS all of you guys. I, I mean, WE -ESEM- are hoping you're having a great time in there, and we're waiting the bests stories EVER! :D

  7. Incredible Fê, to see you at the airport with so many beautiful teens. Enjoy your staying, make this trip fabulous and be happy with these youngers. As a matter of fact you are so beautiful and young as they are. Hard to believe you are the teacher. Well, hope to see you soon with best news and many photos. Kiss and luck to everybody. Seu tio Cesar
