Our first day at The Community School was fantastic! It is a really pleasant place, with some brand new buildings and amazing teachers and students. We knew almost all of classmates from the dinner on Saturday and the Pot Luck on Sunday, so we weren`t completely lost at the new school. For the classes we followed our `ambassador`, our brothers and sisters here in Sun Valley. They all were great, specially French, when I had the opportunity the teach some Portuguese to my classmates. Though their pronunciation was really funny, they all did really well! :D
Every Monday at The Community School the whole school get together for the Assembly, when there are some announcements, presentation of works, like videos, and sometimes the Seniors give a speech. At the Assembly the exchange group sang a song written by Natalia, and it seems that they all really liked it although they didn`t understand.
At the lunch time we had the opportunity to talk more to everybody and 4 sure we are all already really good friends. To sum up, a perfect day!
PS- Here in Sun Valley in the morning the temperature is about 0 celsius and for the following days it is forecast some snowfall. You can all guess how we are feeling, don`t you?
Tim, Ben, Judas and Randi
David, John and Randi
Averell, Geraldo and Moyo
Back: Isobel, Sophia. Emilly, Reta, Natalia and Geraldo
Reta looking!
Averell, Tom, Collins, Tim, Reta, Natalia, Andrea, Luiz, Morgan, Brunna, Isobel, Emilly, Sophia, Moyo and Geraldo
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